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Updated: Jul 6, 2022

On September 26, 2021, members of the Moving Mountains Foundation saw the end of their bag sale., which yielded $4,526 dollars in donations. With these funds, the Moving Mountains Foundation is able to provide free health screenings to ensure that children in the Western Montana community meet their developmental potential. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy paired with mental health services administered at childcare sites in Western Montana make achieving these goals possible.

After learning of their accomplishments, the Moving Mountains Foundation took to Facebook and wrote the following letter to the community, "Thank you so, so much to our generous customers who donated their leftover clothing to this event. Also, a huge thank you to our staff, family, and friends who generously donated their time to make this event possible! Restyle is dedicated to giving back and none of this would be possible without the community we have here. Thanks for showing up and helping out. With these funds, ReStyle has now donated over $65,000 for Missoula charities!"

This is just one of the countless examples of the impact the Moving Mountains Foundation has had on the greater Western Montana community.

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